3 Položky
Cena bez DPH 150 € Pred zľavou: 166,67 €
Cena bez DPH 165 € Pred zľavou: 183,33 €
Cena bez DPH 202,50 € Pred zľavou: 225 €
The sun is our source of life and energy. Sesonal depression may be caused by the luck of a sunlight early in the morning, that is the reason for disturbances of internal biological rhythms of human being. This depression is called SAD ( Sesonal Affective Disorder).
Symptoms of seasonal depression:
The main problem of modern civilisation is that we live and work in environment where luminous flux density is about 500 lx. This dose is far too small for us to function properly. Lots of people react for this darkness very sensivitely, especially in autumn and winter. We get up at artificial light, go to work in darkness, work at the artificial light, returning home at twilight, having a rest at the light of 500 lx. As a result of that, the autumn-winter depression may take place.
Some examples of luminous flux density that we may come across during of our life:
Phototherapy is about the everyday irradiation of eyes by the artificial bright light of parameters similar to the sunlight. hototherapy can not be applied at the persons taking the medicines which call out hypersensitivity on the light and at people with the illnesses of the organ of the sight. The charitable influence of the light on the health is known for centuries. Ancient medicals already told their patients to return eyes in the direction of the sun.
We may successfully compensate a lack of the sun during the autumn and winter with the use of FOTOVITA antidepressive light. It emits an artificial light of parameters similar to the sunlight more powerful than a usual bulbs. The light from the usual bulbs is sufficient for our eyes to see but for our brain it means the night. Artificial light which is emitted by fluorescent lamps regulates secretion of the melatonine (the sleep hormone) and serotonine responsible for controlling of our mood.
Phototherapy has a medical and preventive qualities.
Advantages of phototeraphy with FOTOVITA:
Using FOTOVITA is about the everyday irradiation of the eyes by the artificial bright light of parameters similar to the sunlight.
The phototherapy is effective in 80 % of cases and he brings the effects quickly. One already feels allowance and the improvement of the mood after a few days of applying, sleepiness also gets smaller and the appetite stabilizes.
The irradiation of the lamp to phototherapy is very comfortable because one can apply them in home conditions. This is also painless and does not carry with oneself the danger of the scald of the skin, because lamps do not emit radiance ultra-violet. Undesirable symptoms, how irritation of the eyes or the pain of the head, they step out rarely and one gives quickly to eliminate through shortening the exposure of time and enlargement of the distance from the source of the light. Phototherapy can not be applied at the persons taking the medicines which call out hypersensitivity on the light and at people with the illnesses of the organ of the sight.
The phototherapy light is used in many offices in the Scandinavia, in the Germany by nearly 180 clinics and hospitals. First Polish phototherapy lamp FOTOVITA came into being in the Lodz and was built by engineers from ULTRAVIOL.
ULTRAVIOL has tested and certified FOTOVITA in the co-operation with physiologists and the psychiatrists of Medical Akademy L. Rydygiera in Bydgoszcz. There are three types of the FOTOVITA lamps in sale: emitting the light about intensity 9500, 5000 and 3200 lx. All possess indispensable certificates.